The Faculty

Since the establishment of the Faculty of Education until today, the following have served as Deans:

[ 1990 – 1993 ] Giorgos Tsiakalos, Professor of the School of Primary Education

[ 1993 – 1996 ] Evangelia Skoura – Varnava, Professor of the School of Early Childhood Education

[ 1996 – 1999 ] Chrysanthi Mavropoulou – Tsioumi, Professor of the School of Early Childhood Education

[ 1999 – 2002 ] George Tsiakalos, Professor of the School of Primary Education

[ 2002 – 2005 ] George Tsiakalos, Professor of the School of Primary Education

[ 2005 – 2008 ] Sofronis Hadjisavvidis, Professor of the School of Early Childhood Education

[ 2008 to 12-03-2013 ] Dimitra Kogidou, Professor of the School of Primary Education

[ 13-03-2013 to 31-08-2016 ] Melpomene Tsitouridou, Professor of the Department of Early Childhood Education

[ 01-09-2016 to 31-08-2020 ] Ioanna Bibou – Nakou, Professor of School of Primary Education

[ 01-09-2020 to 31-08-2023 ] Domna Kakana, Professor of the School of Early Childhood Education