The Faculty

The Faculty of Education was founded in 1989 pursuant to the presidential decree 450/30-8-1989 (Government Gazette, issue A, no. 196/8-9-1989). The two Schools of Education, which were founded in 1982 pursuant to Law no. 1268/1982 (article 46), were incorporated into the newly founded Faculty: a) the School of Primary Education, and b) the School of Nursery Education (later renamed School of Early Childhood Education.

The Education Academies, which offered two-year programmes of study, gradually closed their doors. They have been replaced by the two Schools of the Faculty of Education which offer a BA Honours degree after the completion of eight semesters of study.

Pursuant to the presidential decree 320/1983, the Schools of the Faculty of Education aim to:

  • promote research and teaching in a wide variety of disciplines related to education,
  • provide graduates with the theoretical and critical tools necessary for research at a more advanced level, as well as qualify them for employment in education and other related fields of specialization in the public and private sector,
  • meet the increasing educational needs in Greece and offer high-quality education
  • provide solutions to existing problems related to education.

Since it was founded, the Faculty of Education has promoted research and teaching in the field of education, has supported and participated in the ongoing public dialogue about education, as well as has greatly contributed to tackling social issues.

The Faculty of Education is housed in a building located in 3rd September Street, opposite the University Student Club. Part of the Faculty is also located in the complex of the Aristotle University located in 29 Archaeological Museum Street.